SLSRC August 27th Meeting IN PERSON – Program: Steve Wooten (KCØQMU) — Skywarn

August 24, 2021…

SLSRC August 27th meeting IN PERSON program: Steve Wooten (KCØQMU) Skywarn

Steve Wooten (KCØQMU) will be presenting at our August 27th SLSRC General meeting. He will be discussing with us the St. Louis Skywarn program.

Steve was licensed on 7/25/2003. He is currently the Emergency Coordinator for St. Louis Metro ARES group in Missouri. Steve is also the president of the St. Louis County Amateur Radio Emergency Service, Inc. Corporation supporting St. Louis Metro ARES. Most of you have seen him around or have seen his emails from ARES. He has been around the St. Louis area as an Amateur Radio communicator for many years.

The Skywarn program of the National Weather Service will be the topic of discussion for our meeting. While the National Weather Service accepts reports from anyone during severe weather, they give more credence to reports that come from trained spotters. You can become a trained weather spotter by taking a free class given by the NWS.

Take the opportunity to hear from Steve and the role of Skywarn and the role you can have in protecting your community from severe weather.

You will need to go to the main hospital lobby for screening before being allowed into the Goldfarb School of Nursing. This location will be closed at 7:15 pm, so you will have to go to Bldg D (opposite side of the campus) to get screened if you arrive after 7:15pm so allow yourself time…the meeting starts at 7 PM.

General meeting info and location can be found at the following link  

Missouri Baptist Hospital
Goldfarb School of Nursing
Rooms 419-420
7 PM