SLSRC May, 27 Meeting and Program, AREDN Network

May 23, 2022…

Mark Hall, AEØME, will give a presentation describing the Amateur Radio Emergency Data Network’s capabilities and current plans for SLSRC and others to deploy it in the St. Louis region. The network can be built with affordable commercially available off-the-shelf components and can provide ‘internet-like’ services to hams in home or mobile locations. We intend to provide some demonstrations about capabilities of the network and show an example of a mobile AREDN network.

Mark has been working in the Information Technology industry since 1993 as a computer and network administrator for IBM and currently for Edward Jones. He has been actively involved in planning the AREDN implementation for the St. Louis area with participants in the STLAREDN mailing list. He is a musician that plays multiple instruments and operates sound and lighting systems for fun. He joined the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) in O’Fallon Missouri and became a ham in 2017, receiving the call sign of ADØZQ. He applied for a vanity license for a shorter morse code call sign and received AEØME in 2019. Mark is currently a member of the St. Charles County Emergency COmmunications Association and our club and is serving as the chairperson for our Field Day committee. #slsrc #hamradio

General meeting info and location can be found at the following link  

Missouri Baptist Hospital
Goldfarb School of Nursing
Rooms 419-420
Friday, May 27
7 PM