SLSRC April 22nd Meeting Program: Fox Hunting by Joe Fleagle WØFY

April 20, 2022…

This month’s program will be a last minute program to get you in the mindset of our FoxHunt on April 23rd. Joe Fleagle, WØFY, will give you a bit of description and history about fox hunting and Radio Direction Finding, some technical details about direction finding methods and equipment, and what you need to have to participate in an amateur fox hunt, and a few references for those interested in more information on the subject.

Joe has a wealth of knowledge on most anything Amateur Radio related. Joe is currently an active member of our club.  He has been into electronics since the age of 13 and has been a ham since 1961, when he received the call of K3OPB. He upgraded to general class license in 1962, served in the Navy Seabees from 1965 to 1968 and upgraded to Extra class license in 1968. Joe has had the call of WØFY since 1974.

Joe is a retired electrical engineer who worked on the development of a wide variety of electronic projects both civilian and military, including IFF equipment for aircraft, anti-lock brakes for trucks, electronic warfare receivers, radar transmitters, automatic vehicle location system, and automatic test equipment for military hardware.

I invite you to attend this meeting and listen to this great program. #slsrc #hamradio

General meeting info and location can be found at the following link  

Missouri Baptist Hospital
Goldfarb School of Nursing
Rooms 419-420
7 PM