President’s Notes, May 2017

by Bill Carroll, KC9CIK

Congratulations to Don Meyer (KDØJBN), for winning the SLSRC Net Login contest over the past month!

Don scored eleven points with his check-ins during the month of April. Four other amateur radio operators managed to score the maximum of twelve points during the four Tuesday night net check-ins:

Charlie Johnson (KF7TXN)

Charlie Troxell (KH2OP)

Jim Storll (NØCUN)

Art Bode (NØJNC)

We saw forty-eight different people check-in during our nets for a total of eighty-five check-ins. The majority occurred on April 4th, the first week of the contest. Cliff Rozar (KCØSDV) was the net control operator for that evening.

Our contest goal was to find the five amateur radio operators with the most points scored during the month of April. Points were awarded for short time check-ins (1), regular check-in (2), and a bonus point for answering the question of the week. The five amateur operators with the highest monthly points were thrown into a hat and then one was drawn. KDØJBN was that one.

Again, congratulations to Don for the win! This will not be the last contest we have regarding our Tuesday night net check-ins. The board of SLSRC is always watching. Stay tuned…

Bill Carroll, KC9CIK

SLSRC President
