President’s Notes – December 2017

by Bill Carroll, KC9CIK

I want to personally wish Merry Christmas to all the members of the St. Louis and Suburban Radio Club. We have had a fun year with our club, and I am looking forward to an exciting 2018. I hope to see new people involved with our club activities, and more participation in our club. We have multiple things happening with SLSRC in January, and I want to make sure you know what they are.

Every week you will find the SLSRC net Tuesday evenings at 1930 hrs on our 146.8500 repeater. Check into this weekly net and learn what the upcoming events are in the area, who is checking in, what swap items are available, and listen to Newsline

We are starting off early with our Back to Basics class on January 5th. This Back to Basics will be “Confirming QSOs, QSL Cards, LOTW, eQSLs, etc.” Even though we call this Back to Basics, it is for all Ham’s (new or old) and all people who are interested in becoming Amateur Radio Operators (HAMS.)

Saturday, January 13th will be our first Ham Radio Breakfast of 2018. This breakfast is not restricted to only Hams. Anyone who is interested in the hobby of Amateur Radio is invited and encouraged to come.

For the month of January, we are moving our regular club meeting up a week to allow a little room before WINTERFEST. This month’s club meeting will be very interactive. We will discuss the following weeks WINTERFEST, our last two remaining positions for the board will be elected, and finally, we will have a “Show and Tell” of what you have recently acquired, learned, or even just reconnected within the world of Amateur Radio. Based on the number of people with “Show and Tell” items, we will allow each person to have about 5-10 minutes for their part of it

Last but not least, is our WINTERFEST for 2018. This will happen on Saturday, January 27th, with the setup on Friday, January 26th. WINTERFEST is our biggest source of revenue for SLSRC, and very important to the club. You will get to see Hams from all over the area, and gear that you just can not imagine. Please take a look at for details about the event. And for a bit of a teaser, remember that we will have VE testing, prizes, and two fantastic forums that will expand your mind.

As you can see there is a lot going on with the SLSRC. If you want to learn more just email and ask whatever questions you have. Do not forget to browse around the website for a wealth of information.

Do not forget to join the club or renew your membership. We have been allowing renewals for the past few months, and I would like to see the membership continue to grow and renew itself. It is almost 2018, and we have a great hobby and a great year to look forward to.


Bill Carroll, KC9CIK

President, SLSRC